Nc recall petition

29.12.2014 20:54

Nc recall petition

Date added: 26.12.2014
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Feb 8, 2014 - This petition will be delivered to: NC ... NC State House, NC State Senate, Governor Pat McCrory: Recall of Elected Officials in North Carolina.
GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA. SESSION 2013 ... An officer is removed upon the filing of a sufficient recall petition and the affirmative vote of a ...
Amendment of the Charter of the Town of Ronda to allow for recall from office of elected officials of the town upon voter petition and a vote of the registered ...
Those interested in initiating a recall should consult with their local authoritative bodies. ... The process begins with a petition drive and end with an election.
A recall election (also called a recall referendum or representative recall) is a ... ... o
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